This is another vent post.

I honestly got on neocities again because i stored some of my exported files from insta on here and i'm trying to make those pics have a better home now that meta's reaching new levels of shitty.

I'm using Ente and photostructure (???) still trying to figure them out and probably requires me to actually organize almost a decades worth of random images so idk

But I got on neocities to do that and exp feeling bad about not putting more time into this website project. I have a lot going on! I'm not ok!

But I have this set up enough to where I can at least make simple blog posts.

I'm still in a state of limbo trying to build network and connections as we try to gauge what the fallout will be from the newly established technocracy.

I've been feeling constantly overwhelmed and behind. I feel like I should have been more, a better more capable person by now so I could deal with everything better.

I've done a lot, and gone through a lot of things in my life. There's never a perfect time for any of this we just got what we have to work with and we do our best.

I'm making great progress I think in going towards doing more - connecting and building. I'm making great progress and I'm still struggling with bad habits I can't shake.

As my therapist tries to remind me though, we don't have to be perfect in order to allow ourselves to push our comfort zone.
